AI: The Key to Wealth-Building and Innovation in Multifamily

AI is rearranging the way we work

A shift is happening making work more joyful, productive, and profitable.

We’re standing on the edge of a massive shift in how wealth is created and protected in our industry. The tools we now have at our disposal, particularly AI and advanced technology, represent more than just efficiency—they’re leverage.

And leverage, as you know, is how real wealth is built.

Think of AI not as a task manager or an automation tool, but as a thought partner for every member of your team. The kind of partner that enhances decisions, accelerates outcomes, and helps everyone in your organization perform at a higher level.

Imagine the power of that.

Every employee, regardless of their role, suddenly has access to the same kind of strategic thinking that typically sits in the boardroom.

This is the true potential of AI—moving beyond the day-to-day automation we’ve all heard about and creating a foundational change in how we operate and grow.

It’s no longer about just increasing rents or squeezing more out of the customer to drive profits. That model has its limits, and quite frankly, our industry has relied on it for far too long.

What we’re talking about now is the ability to innovate in ways that actually increase the purchasing power of our customers, rather than take it away.

AI allows us to unlock value in our operations, not by raising rents but by enhancing experiences, optimizing investments, and making smarter, faster decisions.

It’s the equivalent of financial leverage in real estate—allowing you to do more with what you already have, multiplying your impact without multiplying your costs.

For decades, our industry has been narrowly focused on one thing: raising rents to grow profits. Relying on the thinking and actions of others has failed to protect the long-term value and brand of the multifamily business.

The truth is, we need a different approach—one rooted in innovation and leadership, not the same old tactics that got us here.

It’s clear that the next wave of leaders in our industry won’t come from the traditional insiders who’ve been entrenched in the same thinking for years. Look at the auto industry—it wasn’t insiders who transformed it; it was innovators who saw a better way to move forward.

You’re in the unique position to make that same impact in the multifamily industry. With technology as your leverage, this moment is the greatest wealth-building opportunity of your lifetime.

AI and innovation aren’t just tools—they’re your strategic advantage, helping you protect your assets while unlocking new ways to grow.

Having been one of just 400 people invited to attend OpenAI’s exclusive Developer Day in San Francisco, I saw firsthand the advancements that are shaping this future. Out of 3 million developers, we had a front-row seat to what’s coming next—and it’s nothing short of revolutionary.

AI is evolving into something far more powerful than most realize. OpenAI’s newest models are designed not just to execute tasks but to think, reason, and adapt in ways that mirror human problem-solving.

This isn’t about automation; this is about creating systems that can help you navigate the most complex challenges in real-time, offering solutions and insights that were previously unimaginable.

But here’s the key takeaway that too few are talking about: AI and technology need to come together on a platform where you own your data and control how it flows across your business. 

If your data is scattered in siloed systems, owned by different applications, you lose the full potential of AI. Real value comes when you have control over your data—when you can move it where you need it, without restriction.

AI isn’t something you simply purchase as a product; it’s something you build alongside the other tools you subscribe to. It will fundamentally rearrange the way your organization works, shifting roles and rethinking how data, people, and decisions flow.

And as a multifamily owner and operator, you need to ensure that the data you generate stays in your hands, powering your decisions and creating a platform that works for you—not the other way around.

The businesses that understand how to leverage AI as a thought partner, not just a tool, will lead this transformation. You’re in the driver’s seat, and with the right strategy, this could be the moment that defines your business's future.

I hope this has encouraged you in a small way to Be Unstoppable!

P.S. If you found this newsletter insightful, feel free to share it with a colleague or a friend who could benefit from these ideas. Or just pass along this link 

Together, we can shape the future of the multifamily industry—one conversation at a time.

Patrick Antrim
Founder & CEO